Program & Replays
Psychedelic Mayan Vision
Abuelo Antonio Oxté explores the ancient Mayan traditions of using psychedelic healing plants with the ancestral wisdom and practices that guide this healing process. He also emphasizes the importance of keeping harmony between all beings, and working together to take care of this “Divine Garden,” Mother Earth. Expand your understanding of psychedelic healing and its potential for personal and cultural transformation.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- How Balché and other psychedelic medicinal plants are being used today in the Mayan tradition
- Ancestral Mayan wisdom, ceremonies, and practices used in psychedelic healing
- The importance of cultivating universal respect and connection between cultures
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UPGRADE HEREAbuelo Antonio Oxté
Grandfather Abuelo Antonio Oxté was born in Tzucacab, a Mayan town in the state of Yucatán, Mexico. Since childhood he's been initiated by his maternal grandmother in knowledge of massage and Mayan healing. He studied and completed a degree in social anthropology at ENAH in Mexico City. At the same time he entered the Mysteries of Freemasonry where he obtained philosophical degrees.
In 2005, he built a clinic called “Clinic of the Soul,” where he helps souls heal the physical, emotional, and soul body, and also opened a nonprofit foundation called “The Golden Hummingbird Gardens AC,” where self-sustainability is pursued to promote the economic, cultural, and family health of the region. He shares educational projects and trade promoting the economy of the local population with other humanist organizations. In his life and career, El Abuelo is a totally compassionate being, grateful for life itself, for his parents and family, and all the beings that in one way or another have been involved in his process to find total peace and love.