Program & Replays
Swimming in the Sacred: Wisdom From the Psychedelic Underground
Rachel Harris, PhD, will report on interviews with 15 women elders who have been guiding underground journeys for 20 to 30 years (or more). The interviews were personal and extensive, exploring themes of presence, commitment to self-healing, apprenticeship, medicines as an ongoing process, relationship with medicines, clearing energy, and self-responsibility — rather than how-to instructions.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- A sacred container for use of entheogens throughout the entire life span
- Elders often worked on their own healing first by having mentors or apprenticing, extending their learning process to over 6-7 years
- There's a different skill set for therapists and sitters, and we're now blending these roles
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UPGRADE HERERachel Harris, PhD
Rachel Harris, PhD, is a psychologist with a combined research and clinical background. She participated in the 1968 residential program at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA and remained on staff for a few years after that. During the decade she worked in academic research, Rachel received a New Investigator’s Award from the National Institutes of Health, and published over forty scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals. Rachel was in private psychotherapy practice for thirty-five years, specializing in people interested in psychospiritual development. Rachel is the author of Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Addiction, PTSD, and Anxiety and Swimming in the Sacred: Wisdom from the Psychedelic Underground.