Program & Replays
From Psychedelic Integration to Creative Leadership
How can the wisdom of psychedelics and plant medicines be weaved into the fabric of society and contribute to the elevation of humanity, despite many cultural roadblocks? In this session, Shiri Godasi will break down the journey from individual psychedelic integration and healing work to empowered, conscious, and creative leadership that makes a collective impact.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Psychedelic integration — description, process, and strategies
- The inevitable up-taking of creativity as living consciousness
- Conscious leadership in action
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Shiri Godasi is a creative educator, author and poet, visionary entrepreneur, philanthropist, and mother. She is passionate about creating a decolonized, psychedelic-positive counterculture that empowers people to step into radical authenticity and conscious leadership to co-create a just world. Shiri is best known for her pioneering methods in the field of psychedelic integration and community bridging, including founding five entheogenic harm-reduction organizations... directing a professional psychedelic therapy and creative leadership training program... and innovating a proven integration treatment protocol called The Psyched Soul™ Method. Shiri specializes in multidimensional, quantum-leap life transformations, including soul code recovery and realignment. Her approach draws from consciousness and cosmology, transpersonal psychology, quantum healing, Eastern philosophy, and multidisciplinary arts, fusing ancient wisdom with modern practices for a “psyched” lifestyle.